I’ve Got a Million of ‘Em…

Laugh.jpgDo you think you’re funny? You know, like crazy funny but the good kind? I’ve always been enamoured of the quick-witted, sharp-tongued, current patter that used to gush from Robin Williams. What a mind! And then there’s my new personal favourite, Michael McIntyre. Droll and facetious, outrageous and really smart, he makes me laugh out loud.

I like to laugh, love to make people laugh, and absolutely don’t do enough of either. That written, there are different types of funny, aren’t there? There’s the stand-up kind and the visual kind. The latter is often silent. And most topics are okay – dependent on the intelligence and skill of the comic usually. But there’s one subject matter I cannot stand visually – bathroom humour. It doesn’t translate for me. In fact, I cringe, even gag, at the mere thought.

So, that’s kind of it for me today. I’m just wanting to laugh. My current situation warrants only a few responses and since panic induced fits of terror aren’t good for my health while laughter is, I’m going for the guffaws. And that’s also my wish – more laughter. Now, use your Spidey senses. Don’t patronise or rudely cut off someone’s need for a hug with a joke, please. Try to gauge what’s respectful. But, when it’s right, go for the giggles. And if you hear one, capitalise on the momentum and keep the funny coming. If you’re not up to it yourself, there’s always YouTube, which is what I’m going to watch right now.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Until tomorrow…

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