Twenty one days.

Three weeks. 3, 7s. Cool.

So today I brought some clothes around to my new lodgings paying little attention to the cold and snow that seems eternal here now. Oh well, I really don’t mind. It is what it is. I ran some errands for a friend and took care of a few things on my to-do list. Not my tax stuff, but at least some stuff. All good. Oh, and I wrote – in my book. Woot! I also reviewed some old passages and know what? I LIKED what I read! That’s huge for me. I think it’s a breakthrough. Makes me feel quite happy, actually. But there’s something else I want talk about tonight.

Part of the 365 re-do is to better my body image. Like most women in the western world, I’m too fat, too wrinkled, too freckled, too…, too…, too… and I’d like to not lug all those ‘toos’ around with me for the rest of my glorious life. They’ve overstayed as it is and if they aren’t serving to better me, they need to become dodos. But hey, there’s a lot of them and I need to address them with patience, one at a time, and once for all.

So, I’m taking on this task by writing down the things about me that tire me out – the stuff I harp on, fixate on, and let eat away at me, tearing me down with each complaint. Some things I can easily change with accountability and a soupcon of discipline. Other things, I can’t readily change, or shouldn’t. Those I need to accept and love. It’s that simple.

As the days go by I’ll check in with you about progress regarding the above. I’ll talk to you about my weight and what actions I’m taking to cope with that. I’ve already discussed the action I’m taking on my fitness level, but I need to do more, and I will. One day at a time, though. Other things like my wrinkles and grey hair, I’m thinking about right this moment with a smile instead of a scowl. Step one.

Before I say g’night, I want to chat a wee tiny bit about gratitude. Today, I’m particularly grateful. While I’ve said a lot of painful goodbyes to loved ones, I’ve been blessed with magnificent hellos. The universe has been gentle with me these last many years. I am very grateful for that. Another woman, however, met with a fate only my head can understand because my heart cannot conceive of the pain hers feels. At 38, her daughter’s heart stopped beating and just like that, she was gone. Unimaginable, yes? She says how grateful she is to have known this wonderful girl who was her daughter.

Let’s honour her over the coming days by being grateful for everything. It’s not about losing because nothing is ever lost. Rather it’s about being grateful. That’s all. In the meantime, maybe we can call our mom or dad, kiss our kids one extra time, or make sure our partner hears us tell them how much we love them. Maybe the goodness generated by these seemingly insignificant gestures will enter the ether and float to that mother bringing her, if only for a second, some fragment of consolation.

Till tomorrow.

Namaste ya’ll. Over and out.

4 thoughts on “Twenty one days.

  1. Christine Newland

    Beautiful! ox From: from Prozac to Zen To: Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 10:31 PM Subject: [New post] Twenty one days. #yiv8463027811 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv8463027811 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv8463027811 a.yiv8463027811primaryactionlink:link, #yiv8463027811 a.yiv8463027811primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv8463027811 a.yiv8463027811primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv8463027811 a.yiv8463027811primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv8463027811 | … Sullivan posted: “Three weeks. 3, 7s. Cool.So today I brought some clothes around to my new lodgings paying little attention to the cold and snow that seems eternal here now. Oh well, I really don’t mind. It is what it is. I ran some errands for a friend and took care ” | |


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