Not One Only…

Working with the “gut” takes practice. I’m not talking about - erm – movements - although they’re important, too - rather I’m talking about how the gut responds to triggers in my day. My gut has been talking to me in some surprising ways lately. I didn’t always pay attention, but I am now. There …

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Dearest friends, It’s another hot day here. Almost 40 degrees. The air is dense and the mountains are veiled completely. A fire was set outside of town and while under control, the aftermath adds to the smog. As for me, the pressure is a bit much. Both my ears are plugged shut so I feel …

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Calmly looking after the money…17

I’ve passed the day wandering aimlessly in my head. Actual exercise is better. This cerebral stuff leaves me exhausted instead of invigorated. It’s not too bad today though. I’m feeling good despite all the uncertainty but noticed myself checking in a couple of times because I’m used to waves of panic and anxiety that aren't …

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Let the truth be told…

What I’ll own up to in this blog has been long promised. I’ve hinted about it on numerous occasions, beat around copious bushes, and side skipped opportunities to come clean. I’ve battled against owning up until this morning when I woke in a panic. After passing another restless night, the second in as many days, …

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Whose responsibility is that flag?

I randomly found myself asking a couple of questions today. One was, “What does it mean to take complete responsibility for myself.” The other was, “Where is my power – really?” Growing up in a pre-Vatican II Roman Catholic household, prayer was an entrenched tradition. Rote verses repeated daily paid homage to God and were …

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